A West Cork councillor has said that Fáilte Ireland should be sent a ‘cease and desist' letter for sending camper vans down country roads.
A WEST Cork councillor has said that Fáilte Ireland should be sent a ‘cease and desist’ letter for sending camper vans down country roads.
At a meeting of the West Cork Municipal District, Cllr Joe Carroll (FF) said he was specifically talking about Toe Head in Castletownshend, because a farmer there is ‘sick and tired’ of pulling camper vans out of hedgerows with his tractor.
‘The Wild Atlantic Way signs are pointing people in that direction and the roads can’t cope with these vehicles,’ he told Council officials.
Cllr Carroll requested that a letter be sent to Fáilte Ireland highlighting his complaints, but municipal officer Justin England declined, saying: ‘That opinion might not be the consensus in the area.’
Cllr Carroll’s comment that ‘French people and foreigners …’ went unfinished because it was drowned out by the level of the guffaws in the room, but he persisted in making the point.
‘Tourists don’t know the terrain and are getting into difficulty.’
Justin England did, however, inform him that Fáilte Ireland are conducting a review of the entire Wild Atlantic Way during the peak season, this year, to see as Cllr Paul Hayes (SF) said, ‘where the pinch points are.’