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‘Éire’ sign is unearthed on Dursey island

July 8th, 2024 7:15 AM

By Jackie Keogh

‘Éire’ sign is unearthed on Dursey island Image
The Eire sign on Dursey island.

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DURSEY islanders are working together to clear the heavy vegetation that has obliterated the Éire sign from view for decades.

A marvellous video by Richie Hodges on the Beara Facebook page launched an appeal for helpers, and, on Sunday June 23rd, the first major clearance of the site commenced.

The Éire sign is one of 83 similar manmade signs around the coast that were installed during WWII to alert Allied, and indeed German, fighter pilots that they were flying over a neutral country and not the UK – a course of action that saved many lives.

Richie’s video can be seen on The Southern Star’s Facebook page.

• For full story, see this week’s Star.

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