The ongoing cyber-attack on the HSE’s IT system has resulted in considerable delays at Cork University Hospital (CUH) Emergency Department and on the hospitals ability to deliver normal outpatient services.
This challenging situation is ongoing. As a result, management at the CUH and CUMH wish to advise the public that the following will apply for tomorrow, Monday 17th May:
At Cork University Hospital, patients with an OPD appointment, Chemotherapy appointment, surgery appointment, should come to the hospital unless you are contacted to cancel; patients with X-ray appointments should not attend unless contacted; and radiotherapy appointments are cancelled
Meanwhile at Cork University Maternity Hospital gynaecology clinics have been cancelled on Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th May.
Patients are reminded that access to the normal IT systems to be limited, therefore CUH may not have access to the full suite of records. Labs are also severely affected.
Existing GP bloods will not be processed at this time. Only emergency bloods will be processed.
Management wishes to remind the public that people should only attend the ED in emergency situations and that delays are likely as a result of the current IT situation.
The hospital will advise if there is any change to the current status.