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Credit Union rewards kindness

January 1st, 2017 6:21 PM

By Jackie Keogh

Credit Union rewards kindness Image
Kirstie Smith (fourth from left) of Dunmanway Family Resource Centre with a group of colleagues, having being presented with a Little Big Things hamper by Gavin Kiely of Skibbereen and Bandon Credit Union.

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‘Little Big Things’ hampers given to deserving people 

SKIBBEREEN and Bandon Credit Union’s ‘Little Big Things’ campaign came to an emotional conclusion during Christmas week when nine deserving people were presented with West Cork Hampers in recognition of the kind and selfless acts they committed right throughout the year.

The first person – chosen from more than 250 nominations – that received a visit from a rather suspicious looking Santa was Ellen Logan of Schull. Ellen – who was described by those who nominated her as ‘kindness personified’ – was totally taken by surprise at her place of work at the Meals on Wheels kitchen. 

Nellie Cotter of the ‘Little Way Charity Shop,’ also in Schull, was door-stepped by a number of locals, including members of the local Gardaí, who wanted to be there to show their appreciation for all that Nellie has done in the communities of Ballydehob and Schull.

Another of Santa’s little helpers was on hand to deliver a hamper to Helen Flynn, who was nominated by Eileen Harrington. Helen looks after her two grandsons while their sister, Kate, receives treatment in Crumlin Children’s Hospital.

Ellen O’Connor from Caheragh was brought in to Skibbereen Credit Union under false pretences by her friend, Eileen O’Driscoll, and was presented with a hamper for her tremendous work in the community.

Abigail Murray was nominated by her 10-year-old daughter, Alaia, who felt her mother deserved recognition for always keeping a household of seven in check even though ‘Daddy can be a bit messy.’ 

Kirstie Smith was somewhat shell-shocked when Santa interrupted her training session at The Parkway Hotel. Kirstie, who works with the Dunmanway Family Resource Centre, was nominated because people believe she goes above and beyond the call of duty.

Pat Traynor, a retired postman also received a surprise visit. He was nominated for all the good community work he has done over the years, whilst 10-year old Jenny Fleming from Bandon was presented with a fabulous hamper of toys for looking after her older brother Cian. 

Eimear Collins was surprised at her place of work in the Day Care Centre at Bandon Hospital. Her award was in recognition of all the good deeds and selfless acts she does day in, day out.

Donal O’Driscoll, CEO of Skibbereen Credit Union told The Southern Star that the ‘Little Big Things’ campaign was ‘our way of rewarding those who make our community a better place in which to live.’

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