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Cork campaign group calls for election focus on housing

November 27th, 2024 10:34 AM

By Southern Star Team

Cork campaign group calls for election focus on housing Image

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GENERAL election candidates must focus on turning empty houses into homes across Cork says campaign group Uplift.

Uplift, a people-powered campaign group, is urging all political candidates, if elected, to focus on bringing the tens of thousands of empty and derelict homes back into use.

CSO figures show that, in 2022, there were 17,055 empty homes across Cork, not including holiday homes that may also be sitting empty.

Research commissioned by Uplift has shown that having a home is the top issue facing people and communities across the country.

During the local and European elections, Uplift completed a piece of research showing how councils and the government could turn empty houses into homes by buying and leasing empty houses, making it easier for families to access unused grants, working with businesses to turn empty main streets into vibrant communities, and accurately counting the number of vacant and derelict buildings in the county.

Saoirse McHugh, a campaigner at Uplift, said: 'No matter who we are or where we come from, we all need a home where we can sleep at night, knowing that we will wake up tomorrow feeling safe and secure.

'But far too many of us are living on edge, not knowing where we’ll live month to month, year to year. We have so much space for everyone, but can’t use it.

'With an election in a few days, politicians need to know that the only way to get and stay elected is to turn empty houses into homes for everyone who needs one, no exceptions. So we’re asking people to ask their election candidates to sign up to our pledge now, to show voters that they will prioritise turning empty houses into homes if they get elected.'

For more information or for interview requests, please contact Patrick Kelleher, Campaigner at Uplift, on [email protected]

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