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Community activist Ryan is chosen to stand for Sinn Féin in Cork North West

September 13th, 2024 6:45 AM

By Martin Claffey

Community activist Ryan is chosen to stand for Sinn Féin in Cork North West Image
Nicole was awarded Humanitarian of the Year in 2018.

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SINN Féin has chosen Nicole Ryan to stand for as the party’s candidate in the Cork North West constituency in the next general election.

Ms Ryan was selected at a convention held in The Mills Inn in Ballyvourney. She is well known as a community activist and has spent the last eight years running a successful drug education social enterprise, educating more than 13,000 post-primary students nationwide on the dangers of substance abuse.

‘It is a great honour to have been selected by the members of Cork North West to represent Sinn Fein at the next general election. I am really looking forward to the challenge ahead and I want to play my part in ensuring that Cork North West for the first time in decades elects a progressive, young voice to represent them,’ she said.

Ms Ryan, 31, holds a degree in marine engineering and a diploma and post-grad in addiction studies. She was awarded Humanitarian of the Year in 2018 and is a recipient of the Pride of Cork award in 2021.

Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald hailed her selection. ‘Nicole has a proven track record of advocating for the most vulnerable in society and is passionate about ensuring our youth do not become a forgotten generation.

‘Nicole’s courage and leadership were powerfully demonstrated when she led a campaign on drug awareness following the death of her brother, Alex.
‘The next general election is a unique opportunity to shape a society that cherishes all of our people equally. Nicole will bring passion, determination and solutions to address the challenges that the people of Cork North West face.’

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