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Clonakilty teen raises €14,000 for MS through running challenge

July 27th, 2024 7:00 AM

By Kieran O'Mahony

Clonakilty teen raises €14,000 for MS through running challenge Image
Ciarán before the last 5km run in May at Clonakilty GAA complex with his mum Catriona.

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A 17-YEAR-old Clonakilty boy, diagnosed with a rare disorder when younger, undertook a gruelling challenge in recent months and raised over €14,000 for MS Ireland, far exceeding his target.

Ciarán Coakley, a student of Clonakilty Community College, embarked on a challenge at the end of April of running 250km over 25 days. He undertook the challenge for MS Ireland following his mum Catriona’s diagnosis of multiple sclerosis over three years ago.

Speaking to The Southern Star, Catriona said that when he was 23 months old, Ciarán was diagnosed with mitochondrial disorder.

‘We were told he may not live to see his fifth birthday. However, he is doing amazingly well and has baffled many along the way,’ a proud Catriona said.

‘He is doing so well healthwise that following my diagnosis he decided to raise money for charity. He set out a target of raising €1,000 for MS Ireland but he has exceeded that target.’

She said he ran 5km every morning before school and every evening after school, or later in the night if he had training or matches after school.

‘Ciarán never failed once to complete a 5km. Even after a nasty ankle injury at a hurling match, he still ran after it. On another occasion he ran 10km at night with one of his friends, as he was unable to run during the day, due to other commitments. His determination, along with his friend’s, in this scenario, is admirable, to say the least.’

Catriona said it was fantastic that friends and clubmates of his were always behind him and supporting him.

For the final stretch of his challenge on May 17th, he invited everyone to his last 5km to Ahamilla GAA complex and 58 young men from various teams, along with his 12-year-old sister Ella, and her friends, and many others ran with him. He was described as an ambassador and role model for his club, Clonakilty GAA.

‘He is a very determined young teenager. When he gets something into his head, it has to be done 150%. He didn’t even tell us about the challenge until he had it all set up and then asked me to share his Instagram post. I got such a shock when I saw his post, especially the terrible picture he had used of himself!’

She said Ciarán sees the daily struggles that she has, as an MS sufferer, and felt the need to raise awareness of the disease, while also raising much-needed funds for MS Ireland.

‘He’s no stranger to fundraising, either, as our family has fundraised for various charities down through the years, including MS Ireland. His dad, Don, drove a tractor from Mizen to Malin two years ago in the ‘Long Way Home’ and raised over €190,000,’ she added.

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