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Clean-ups and Irish jigs in Baltimore

March 24th, 2016 5:05 PM

By Jackie Keogh

Clean-ups and Irish jigs in Baltimore Image

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Do a Good Deed on Good Friday by helping to keep Baltimore beautiful.

Do a Good Deed on Good Friday by helping to keep Baltimore beautiful.

Locals and visitors alike are welcome to meet up outside Bushe’s bar at 10am and take part in the big clean up on Good Friday, March 25th.

The members of the Baltimore Tidy Towns are active right throughout the year but by enlisting the public’s support they would set the standard for the year to come.

Maureen O’Hanlon, PRO of the local committee, said she had read with interest several articles in “The Southern Star” in recent weeks and months about the increased incidents of fly tipping throughout the countryside.

Although Baltimore is generally very clean and tidy, she said a general tidy up would give people a greater sense of civic pride.

She said: ‘Many of the campaigns to combat the problem of illegal dumping are run by volunteers, but we have no alternative except to keep the pressure up, as well as educate and inform people.

‘We hope a lot of people will take part in our clean-up for a couple of hours on Good Friday morning next, and join us for refreshments in the Father Cashman Community Hall in Baltimore.’

Another good reason to visit Baltimore on Good Friday is the dance event scheduled for the evening, from 5pm-7pm.

The Happy In Baltimore group have organised the event, which is designed to remember the influences at the 1916 Rising.

It was just two years ago the group did the Happy in Baltimore video, which received over 70,000 hits online.

This year’s event will involve 20 local people and promises to be an enjoyable event.

‘We would like to extend an invitation to any step or traditional dancers or musicians who would ike to join us for a few hours of fun on the square in Baltimore,’ said organiser Stephen Curran.

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