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‘Cart before the horse’ canopies get thumbs up

December 4th, 2020 7:10 AM

By Kieran O'Mahony

‘Cart before the horse’ canopies get thumbs up Image
At one point, cars were parking under the canopies.

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Locals in Macroom have finally given a ‘thumbs up’ to two canopies installed in the town centre after initial negative feedback.

The canopies were installed as part of Project ACT to allow people to dine outside while practising social distancing. However, one councillor said that it was a case of  ‘the cart before the horse’ as there was nothing in them initially.

At a recent meeting of the Macroom Municipal District, councillors were told that the canopies have now been fitted with planters, artificial grass and picnic benches and have proved to be very successful for outdoor socially distanced take away dining during the latest Level 5 lockdown.

Cllr Gobnait Moynihan (FF) said the canopies look really well now, especially the one placed  by the Town Hall. She asked about disability accessible seats and was told by Council officials that they have been ordered.

Cllr Ted Lucey (FG) said that since their last meeting the canopies have very much improved and he has noticed that members of the public are using them regularly. He did note however if some lights could be put in. Council officials said they are looking into putting Christmas lights at both canopies.

Cllr Michael Looney (FF) said these canopies along with murals have enhanced the town and he said that it will look great during the summer months and that there aren’t  enough of them.

Cllr Michael Creed (FG) agreed that they will look great over the summer as more people will be using them, while Cllr Martin Coughlan (Ind) said that people now understand what they are there for since the furniture was put in.

‘It was a case of the cart before the horse as these two canopies were put up with nothing in it and people were parking there. But now people have changed their minds about them and they look very well,’ said Cllr Coughlan.

The Star had earlier reported that some people were parking under them initially.

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