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Carbery event to help farmers cope with busy spring season

January 4th, 2020 7:05 AM

By Jack McCarron

Carbery event to help farmers cope with busy spring season Image
Dr Marion Beecher of Teagasc will present an overview on lean dairy farming at the conference in Clonakilty on January 7th.

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TO help West Cork farmers prepare for the demanding season ahead, a health and wellness conference is planned.

Carbery, in conjunction with Teagasc, are hosting the event in Fernhill House Hotel, which will look at topics such as nutrition, farm safety and wellness.

Marion Beecher, research officer at Teagasc, will present an overview on lean dairy farming, explaining what lean really means to farmers, the eight deadly wastes and standardisation.

Cathal Geraghty, Community Sports Development Officer and Claire Hurley, Programmes Manager at The Cork Sports Partnership will outline the benefits of staying active and the importance of having regular health checks, while also discussing programs available in the region.Also speaking on the night is Tomás Allen, an Advanced Paramedic who works with West Cork Rapid Response and who will provide an insight into accidents on farm.

Ivor Cummins, Chief Program Manager from Irish Heart Disease Awareness will present on nutrition and health. He is will look specifically at the calcification test for heart disease, how you can take control of your health, and prevent disease.

Declan Coyle, a renowned motivational speaker and author of ‘The Green Platform’, and one of Ireland’s most internationally experienced leadership training and development consultants will outline an approach to positive farming in 2020.

The event called ‘Carbery 2020 – Farmer Ready’ gets under way at 7pm on January 7th.


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