ON Saturday February 22nd, Bantry Active Retirement Association Camera Club were both pleased and proud to present Cancer Connect with a cheque for €7,000.
The money was raised from sales of the Bantry and Beyond calendar, which is produced annually by the Bara Camera Club.
As she presented the cheque, Margaret Hubbard paid tribute to the work of Cancer Connect and the volunteer drivers, some of whom were also members of the camera club. She thanked the many local businesses, individual retailers and other individuals for their support in selling the calendars and mentioned how competition from other calendars was making the market more and more challenging each year.
She thanked the Westlodge for generously hosting the presentation and sponsoring the refreshments after.
Receiving the cheque, Helen O’Driscoll thanked the members of the Camera Club for their ongoing support and said it was community-based fundraising which kept Cancer Connect services running. She spoke of how the volunteer drivers were recognised and appreciated by the general public as they went about their work of providing the vital service.
Neilie O’Leary spoke about the work of Cancer Connect and how it was growing and being recognised throughout County Cork. He said that the local volunteers are vital for the personal contact they bring to the users of the service.