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Bridge repairs are held up until fishing season commences

March 8th, 2017 10:05 PM

By Southern Star Team

Bridge repairs are held up until fishing season commences Image
The bridge at Farnanes which will likely be closed for several months.

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Coolmucky Bridge in Farnanes has been closed by Cork County Council for urgent repair after a ‘hole’ appeared in it.



COOLMUCKY Bridge in Farnanes has been closed by Cork County Council for urgent repair after a ‘hole’ appeared in it.

And the Council admitted this week that it could not be inspected or repaired until the open fishing season commences.

 A spokesperson for Cork County Council told The Southern Star that the shallow hole appeared on the bridge on Saturday afternoon, February 25th. 

But due to Inland Fisheries regulations, inspection and repair works cannot take place at this time.

‘In order to undertake comprehensive investigation works and repair works, it is necessary to secure a derogation licence from Inland Fisheries Ireland,’ a Council spokesperson said. 

‘However, Cork County Council understands that this [licence] will not be forthcoming. In this situation, it will be necessary to wait for the [angling] open season before it is possible to enter the river. The open season commences on May 1st next. At that point there is likely to be in excess of one month’s work to be undertaken in both investigating and repairing the bridge. The contractor has secured the site and is implementing his Traffic Management Plan, including a diversion route. The Council’s consultant is arranging to install crack monitors and settlement nails, which will be routinely monitored.’

The closure also includes the road L-2206-0 at its junction with the N22 to the junction of the L-2216-25 at Coolmucky.  

Road users, travelling from the south, will be diverted at the junction with L-2216-25, travel west along the L-2216-25 to Cloughduv Village and then north on the L-2205-0 to the N22 at Ryecourt.

However, HGV drivers are advised to divert via the R585 at Castlemore Cross and the L-2216 to Cloughduv village.

Cork County Council expects the road and bridge to be closed until Friday June 2nd while these urgent repairs are carried out.

For more information contact Cork County Council (021) 4381227. 

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