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BREAKING: West Cork pub found with customers on premises

March 20th, 2020 2:20 PM

By Kieran O'Mahony

BREAKING: West Cork  pub found with customers on premises Image
Chief Supt Con Cadogan of Cork West garda division.

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THE head of An Garda Síochána in West Cork is appealing for publicans to abide by the request to remain closed during the Covid-19 crisis and is calling on the community to report to gardaí  if  they know of any bars that are open.

Chief Supt Con Cadogan made the appeal following the inspection of 30 bars in West Cork yesterday, which resulted in customers being found in one bar. The bars were inspected by gardaí and HSE public health officials and they found almost of all respecting the request to remain closed.

'We're disappointed that we had one detection because we are all in this together and if everyone abides by it the quicker we do this the quicker we get out of this situation,' he told The Southern Star.

'This detection  came about from a report from a member of the community and we would ask people to contact us if they are aware of any opening.'

He warned that the day of reckoning for any publican that does not comply with the Government request  during the Covid-19 crisis will come during the Annual Licensing applications in the District Court in September.

'One of the key criterias in respect of holding a pub licence is that  you are a responsible person and I would argue that a publican is not  responsible if they allow customers into their bar during this crisis.

He wants to acknowledge  that 99.9% of publicans in West Cork are abiding by the guidelines and are acting very responsibly and he is thanking them for doing this.







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