A range of summer courses available at Kinsale Outdoor Education Centre and Fastnet Marine & Outdoor Education Centre
Kinsale Outdoor Education Centre and Fastnet Marine & Outdoor Education Centre in Schull are now taking bookings for their upcoming summer courses and programmes.
With courses in sailing and multi-activity programmes on offer, both locations have something for every young person this summer.
Jon Hynes has been the Director of Kinsale Outdoor Education Centre for the last six years, and now he is also looking after the Schull centre.
‘Since last September, we have taken over the management of the sailing centre in Schull. It was traditionally a sailing-only centre, but we are moving into a multi-activity centre with activities such as kayaking, paddle-boarding, sailing and hill-walking on offer,' says Jon.
The summer courses and programmes will begin in June for teenagers in non-exam years and then there will be a full run of programmes in July and August for primary school children and teenagers. The groups are broken up into 8-10 year olds, 10-12 year olds and teenagers.
Both centres will be running five-day sailing courses and five-day multi-activity outdoor education programmes.
‘Both the Kinsale and Schull Centres have sailing-only courses from beginner level, right up to advanced, and these are certified through Irish Sailing, the governing body of sailing in Ireland.'
‘With the multi-activity programme, we want to inspire their adventurous side. They take part in things like sea kayaking, paddle-boarding, safety and rescue skills, camp craft and basic navigation’.
All instructors are highly trained and qualified. Many have come through training at Kinsale College. Both centres are governed by the Cork Education and Train- ing Board which means they uphold sound governance and strict safety considerations.
‘We don’t run really big numbers. Our focus is on quality over quantity. The sailing courses have up to six participants, while the multi-activity have 16.'
At the heart of all courses and programmes at the two centres are three pillars; developing yourself person-ally, learning to work in a team dynamic, and gaining awareness of the natural environment, while learning how to protect the outdoors for future generations.
‘There really is something for everybody. We help children and teenagers to take their first steps on water. We just ask that they be comfortable around water before they come to us.'
‘We pride ourselves on our inclusivity. We were the first people in Ireland to operate a wheelchair accessible powerboat, which takes people on trips in Kinsale Harbour. We also run a La- dies who Launch kayaking event every week for breast cancer survivors.'
‘If your child has a particular need, I would encourage you to get in touch. It is not what we can’t do, it is how we can make it work.'
‘We also want to encourage community groups from both Kinsale and Schull to reach out to us if they need a space for any activity. Everyone is welcome in the centres,' concludes Jon.
All summer courses and programmes run Monday-Friday from 10am-4pm.
Bookings can be made now.
For the Kinsale Centre, visit www.kinsaleoutdoors.com, call 021 4772896 or email info@kinsaleoutdoors.com. For the Schull Centre, visit www.schullsailing.ie, call 028 28515 or email lorna. kingcahill@corketb.ie.