There should be great interest amongst the local fisheries and aquaculture communities in what Tara McCarthy, chief executive of BIM, has to say at this year’s West Fork Business Breakfast on Friday next, September 16th.
THERE should be great interest amongst the local fisheries and aquaculture communities in what Tara McCarthy, chief executive of BIM, has to say at this year’s West Fork Business Breakfast on Friday next, September 16th.
Hosted by The Southern Star, the annual breakfast has become a firmly established and popular fixture on the programme of A Taste of West Cork food festival. It will take place in the West Cork Hotel in Skibbereen at 7.45pm on Friday 16th.
Guest speaker Tara McCarthy, who is a native of Clonakilty, will talk about the ‘Business of Seafood,’ covering why seafood is worth more than €1bn to the Irish economy and she will also address the key growth opportunities for the industry.
Ms McCarthy, a B Comm graduate with an MBS from the Smurfit Business School, will explain where our industry fits in a global context, and key drivers for the future.
The BIM chief is an affiliate of Harvard Business School and has been a regular contributor to the government’s Food Harvest 2020 and 2025 reports and helped deliver a number of initiatives for Bord Bia and the Irish food industry under the ‘Pathways for Growth’ programme.
The West Fork Business Breakfast will kick off promptly at 8am, so the public is asked to arrive no later than 7.45am. As usual, guests will get to enjoy a fine West Cork breakfast, featuring the best of local produce.
Tickets for the West Fork Business Breakfast are €10 and available from Jennifer Barron at [email protected] or 028-21200. This is a popular event that usually sells out, so advance booking is recommended.