What do Brendan Grace, Paddy Cole, Joe Mac, Kathy Nugent, Ronnie 'Sinatra' Costley and Billy Crosbie have in common?
WHAT do Brendan Grace, Paddy Cole, Joe Mac, Kathy Nugent, Ronnie ‘Sinatra’ Costley and Billy Crosbie have in common?
Well, next month they will all be performing in one room, over two nights.
The Trident Hotel in Kinsale is the venue – on Thursday June 18th and Friday June 19th, at 7pm – for this musical extravaganza.
From Florida, Dublin, Cork City and even Clonakilty, the stars will gather, to celebrate the 60th birthday of Kinsale’s Billy Crosbie and also to help raise some money for the Kinsale Lions’ Club. Beloved comedian, Brendan Grace will have a few things to say about the new sexagenarian, while two entertainment icons – ‘King of the Swingers’ Paddy Cole and showman and wit Joe Mac - accompanied by Pat McCarthy on trombone and Cork City Jazz Band’s Gerry Walsh on keyboard - will set all feet drumming and all memories soaring.
Kinsale’s adopted darling, Kathy Nugent, will join in the fun, while Ronnie ‘Sinatra’ Costley will remind us that this is also the centenary of his particular hero’s birth.
From the Acton’s Hotel jazz age, Jack Walsh will try to keep them all in order, but who knows how successful he will, or can, be? With such an array of legendary Irish musicians and comedians on show, seats will be much in demand and an early application for tickets is advised.
A limited supply of tickets at €70 each include a three-course meal and can be booked from The Boathouse Gallery: 021- 470 9981 at 68 Main St, Kinsale or on-line at http://www.mycharity.ie/event/kinsale_lions-midsummer_show