Cork County Council does not have bins at West Cork beaches, with the exception of Garrylucas and at Garrettstown, and only then from June to September. A spokesperson for the Council said there is now a ‘pack it in/pack it out’ approach to beaches, meaning beach users are expected to bring home whatever they bring to the beach.
CORK County Council does not have bins at West Cork beaches, with the exception of Garrylucas and at Garrettstown, and only then from June to September.
A spokesperson for the Council said there is now a ‘pack it in/pack it out’ approach to beaches, meaning beach users are expected to bring home whatever they bring to the beach.
The response comes on foot of criticism of beach-goers who left Myrtleville in a bad state after a recent weekend of hot weather. The two bins and two recycling units were left overflowing with nappies, plastic bottles, food containers, and even some clothes.
‘Basically there are not any bins at most beaches except at Garrylucas and Garrettstown now,’ said a Council spokesperson.
The statement said that, regarding the cleaning of beaches, volunteers help with the operation and the Council removes the collected rubbish. ‘A few places have employment scheme workers who clean the beaches. In the Kinsale Engineering Area, there is one employee with a van and a trailer who cleans the beaches, toilets and empties bins,’ said the spokesperson.
‘However, if there are large amounts of litter at any beach (say in warm weather etc), the Council clean this up,’ they added.
‘Bins are put out at Garrylucas and Garretstown during the bathing season (June to September) only.’