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Baltimore disappointed as power boat race is cancelled

May 24th, 2016 4:55 PM

By Siobhan Cronin

Baltimore disappointed as power boat race is cancelled Image

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The Venture Cup power boat race – which was set to visit Baltimore and Sherkin Island next month – has been cancelled.

THE Venture Cup power boat race – which was set to visit Baltimore and Sherkin Island next month – has been cancelled.

Dubbed as the world’s most exciting festival of powerboat racing, it was due to come to Baltimore on Monday June 13th, with a race around the harbour, and over to Turk Head, before heading to the Fastnet Rock and then to Dingle for an overnight stay.

The high-profile race, which had signed up adventurer Bear Grylls and supermodel David Landy to compete, was axed this week.

‘It is with enormous regret that we must advise you that the 2016 Venture Cup has been cancelled,’ the organisers announced on Tuesday.

‘Delivering an event of this scale was always going to present challenges. However, we began suffering acute cash-flow problems at the end of March. We have reached a point where we can no longer proceed in good faith,’ they added. With global TV coverage planned, it would have meant a huge amount of publicity for the area.

As recently as last weekend, there was a meeting of marshalling organisers, to put the finishing touches to the plans.

‘It is very disappointing,’ Baltimore Harbour Master Diarmuid Minihane told The Southern Star, saying he had been advised of the cancellation by email from Cork County Council on Tuesday. It would have meant the closing of the harbour for a few hours, with thousands expected to descend on the village, and ferries to the islands being suspended for the duration of the inner harbour race.

‘We must move on, all ferry operators and all involved have now been notified so all is back to normal,’ he added.

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