An order by Cork County Council granting planning permission for a new plastics factory in Skibbereen is to be appealed.
AN order by Cork County Council granting planning permission for a new plastics factory in Skibbereen is to be appealed.
Following the decision to give the plant the go-ahead, a public meeting has been organised to be held at 8pm on Thursday, January 11th at the West Cork Hotel in Skibbereen.
Brendan McCarthy, who was one of 39 people who made a submission on the planning application by Daly Products Ltd, told The Southern Star: ‘The people of Skibbereen need to be informed, so we have decided to hold a public meeting to outline our reasons for lodging this appeal.’
He said those opposed to the factory – on the alleged grounds that it is visually obtrusive, will emit odours, increase HGV traffic through the town, and cause noise pollution in a residential area – will be lodging an appeal to An Bord Pleanala before the January 24th deadline.
‘We believe this is the wrong location and that there never should have been an IDA site at Poundlick on the Baltimore Road,’ Mr McCarthy told The Southern Star.