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Appeal for help in search for missing teenager

February 16th, 2022 10:23 PM

By Jackie Keogh

Appeal for help in search for missing teenager Image
Students and staff are mourning the loss of 15-year-old Rian De Brun.

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An appeal has gone out for assistance in locating Rian Brown, a 15-year old boy who has been reported missing from the Ballineen area.

The teenager was, according to a post on the St Brogan’s College Facebook page, last seen in the Bandon area at 4pm today.

The online post said the boy’s parents are ‘extremely worried about him’ and that the gardaí have been involved.

Rian was wearing a dark coloured hoodie – possibly the same one shown in the photograph – and a dark tracksuit pants and green and black Nike runners.

People are being asked to share Rian’s photograph on social media, and anyone with any information is asked to contact the garda station in Bandon, or St Brogan’s through its Facebook page.


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