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Amazon plans transatlantic cable into Long Strand

January 13th, 2025 7:30 AM

By Kieran O'Mahony

Amazon plans transatlantic cable into Long Strand Image
Amazon Ireland is investigating the possibility of bringing a transatlantic undersea fibre optic cable ashore here. (Photo: Shutterstock)

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THERE are fears that site investigations for a planned transatlantic undersea cable into Long Strand beach at Castlefreke could cause possible physical disturbance and habitat loss to a special area of conservation (sac) there.

Amazon Ireland has applied for a maritime usage licence to facilitate site investigations for a transatlantic subsea fibre optic cable into Long Strand beach on the coast between Clonakilty and Rosscarbery.

The company, which has a public notice in this week’s Southern Star, has submitted an application for a maritime usage licence to Mara, the Maritime Area Regulatory Authority.

It is to facilitate a geophysical survey and site investigations for a fibre optic cable reaching land at Castlefreke, and to evaluate options for a route through the Celtic Sea and across the Atlantic to the US east coast.

The company’s own impact statement confirms there will be ‘possible physical disturbance and habitat loss’ at Kilkeran lake and Castlefreke dunes, which is a special area of conservation.

The licence application will be for three years and the activities will take place in Little Island Strand and Long Strand, both at Castlefreke.

According to the application, it will be for temporary survey works, with no structures being erected.

The proposed works include an intertidal beach survey and site investigations to 3m water depth, inshore marine survey (3m to 15m water depth) and an offshore and deep-water survey, including geophysical and geotechnical investigations.

All site investigation activities are scheduled to take less than four months in total and be completed in one operation.

It is understood that local group Castlefreke Our Woods Our Walks (COWOW) will hold a meeting within days to discuss the proposals.

Members of the public who wish to make a submission to Mara on the licence application and the associated Natura Impact Statement have until February 11th to submit to [email protected] or by post to The Licence Unit, Maritime Area Regulatory Authority, Second floor, Menapia House, Drinagh Business Park, Drinagh, Co Wexford, Y35 RF29.

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