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A very fond farewell for Ross sisters

October 3rd, 2015 10:10 PM

By Jackie Keogh

A very fond farewell for Ross sisters Image
Back row, from left, Gerry Wycherley, of the Celtic Ross Hotel with Rosscarbery Community Council members Geoff Wycherley, Billy Creedon, Mick O'Sullivan, Dermot Shanahan, Pat O'Donovan and John Hodnett. Front, from left: Sr Valerie, Sr Redempta, Sr Bernadette, Sr Angela, and Sr Regina. (Photo: Geor

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ALMOST 350 people attended a function at the Celtic Ross Hotel last Sunday to honour the Sisters of Mercy.

ALMOST 350 people attended a function at the Celtic Ross Hotel last Sunday to honour the Sisters of Mercy.

The five nuns, Sr Regina, Sr Bernadette, St Valerie, Sr Angela and Sr Redempta – who left their home in the Convent in Rosscarbery on Wednesday, September 30th – were moved by the number of people who turned up. 

The event was marked by a sit down meal and, in a number of after dinner speeches, many people paid tribute to the Sisters of Mercy who did so much for the community, and four young Mercy Leaders also addressed the gathering. 

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