SKIBBEREEN has been allocated €1.8m under the Rural Regeneration Fund to complete the upgrade of the town centre.
The funding comes from the Department of Community and Rural Affairs.
Deputy Christopher O’Sullivan of Fianna Fáil said he looks forward to seeing what the future holds for Skibbereen. ‘I know that the residents and businesses there will welcome improved footpaths and improved public realm in the town,’ he said.
Local Fine Gael candidate Brendan McCarthy said it was brilliant news story for Skibbereen. ‘Over 900 people completed a survey last autumn as part of the Town Centre First plan and at a series of meetings afterwards, it was very strongly emphasised that we do not need another plan sitting on a shelf. This announcement of significant funding for the enhancement of the town centre is our Town Centre First plan in action and will re-energise the town centre as a place to live, work and visit.’
Meanwhile, Brendan McCarthy is also calling for urgent action to be taken at the traffic lights on Cork Road, Skibbereen to prevent a serious accident. These traffic lights are beside a very busy junction with three schools, the Sports Centre and a number of houses on a road which joins the main road into town. Vehicles are travelling in excess of the speed limit and do not seem to see the traffic lights or the children who are trying to cross. Skibbereen Community playground is on the other side of the road.
Brendan said: ‘There is a major issue with these traffic lights and when the children have the right to cross, the vehicles very often do not stop. There is a light up high on the poles and also a light lower down for those trying to cross. Both lights are visible to drivers but are different colours which is very confusing. Residents in the area as well as those attending the various schools and the playground are seriously concerned and are taking their lives in their hands trying to cross the road here. Urgent action is needed to slow down traffic here and also to address the confusion on the lights themselves.’