Alannah O'Donovan (4) from Rosscarbery takes a ride on a carousel at the annual agricultural show that was held in Clonakilty. (Photo: David Creedon)

Pictured at Innishannon steam and vintage Rally rally was John Kelleher PRO with his grandson Darragh Hanlon and Munster and Ireland Rugby star and show opener Jack Crowley. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Rita O'Neill and Cliona Connelly in Emmet Square, Clonakilty for the launch of the Cork County Council Special Music Event Scheme 2024. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

NEWS 3/6/2024 Pictured at Emmet Square Clonakilty for the launch of the Cork County Council Special Music Event Scheme 2024 was John and mandy Twomey and Fiona, Aodhan and Lilian O'Mahony. Picture Denis Boyle

At Emmet Square in Clonakilty for the launch of the Cork County Council Special Music Event Scheme 2024 were Brian and Karen Callanan with their sons Noah, Alan and Ben. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Roisín O Sullivan and Hannah Cahalane jumping into the water from Keelbeg Pier to cool off after a hard session of football training. (Photo: Andrew Harris)

Runners take off from the start line of the Sheep’s Head Challenge at the Tin Pub, Ahakista. The 10-miler follows a trail along the Sheep’s Head Way. All money raised goes to the Muintir Bhaire Sea Scouts and Muintir Bhaire Foróige, with both groups providing volunteers at the water stations. The run was won by Clare man Nick Hogan representing the Sanctuary Runners, winning the event for the second successive year. John Cronin from Caheragh was second, with Enda Fitzmaurice from Schull third.

John Cahalane from Castlehaven with Claire and Brendan Keohane from Barryroe at the show. (Photo: David Creedon)

Bríd Shannahan and Karen O’Callaghan enjoying the sun. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Sisters Dorothy Draper, Hilda Ross and Rose Appelbe cool down with some ice cream. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Una McCarthy and Katlyn Broderick from Dunmanway relaxing at the Showgrounds in Clonakilty. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Caelan McCarthy from Glandore enjoying his first show with dad Kenny McCarthy.

Kate Lehane from Timoleague with her family’s champion Jersey cow, with judge Damien Storan and Gladys Deane presenting the trophy.

Dermot McCarthy from Banteer brushes and dries his Hereford bull for judging. (Photo: David Creedon)

Pictured at Clonakilty agricultural show were Oliver and Teresa O'Brien from Killbritain. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Emma O'Sullivan with Michael O'Driscoll and Gearóid Long from Kilbrittain at the Clonakilty Show. (Photo: David Creedon)

Grace O’Donovan from Dunmanway has a mid morning coffee while relaxing alongside a six-month old Belgian Blue calf. (Photo: David Creedon)

Mandy Brennan from Kilmichael washing her Texal sheep at the Clonakilty Show. (Photo: David Creedon)

Members of the Clonakilty Comhaltas group, Erin Coppinger, Aine Deiseach, Mairead NÍ Lochlain and Liam Peppard in Emmet Square at the launch of the Cork County Council Special Music Event Scheme 2024. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Jacinta Kehily (front row) president of Curraghcrowley Bridge Club presenting her prize to winners Margaret and Jerry O'Flynn. Back (from left): Noreen Hurley, Eddie Moloney, Eileen O'Donovan, Maria Farrell, Vera Chambers, Jerry O'Mahony, Maisie Culbert, Mary Coffey, Lucia Murphy, Margaret Ryan and Marie Holland.

Ninety-year-old Tom Harrington trimming a hedge around his home outside Bantry. (Photo: David Creedon)

‘The Big Show down’ and ‘Summer holidays’ films screened in Bantry Cinemax – pupils Jack Buttimer and Robin Buston from Togher NS accepting their award for ‘Best Film Editing’ from Dr.Dympna Daly, Director, West Cork Education Support Centre. (Photo: Adrian Cronin)

‘The things we do’; ‘Tales of Mischief’ and ‘Crime Stories’ films screened in Bantry Cinemax – pupils Aoife Cronin and James O’Mahony from Kealkil NS accepting their award for ‘Best Creative environment’ from Dr.Dympna Daly, Director, West Cork Education Support Centre.

Anna Veselkova and Sebastian Nowak from Skibbereen with their dog Zolotinka enjoying the warm weather at the weekly farmers market. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

Finbarr Harrington, newly elected Councillor, celebrating with his family. Back (from left): Mia, Finbarr and Fiona. Front (from left): Denis, Lewis and Elsa Harrigton. (Photo: Anne Marie Cronin)

Amanda Murphy performing the traditional role of the skipper’s wife to break the bottle and officially name the ship, Eilean Croine. (Photo: Anne Marie Cronin)

The newest addition to the Castletownbere fishing fleet, Eilean Croine, arrived into her home port of Castletownbere last Saturday. It was a fantastic occasion for Eric, Amanda and their family and a proud day for all the Murphy family who have a long-standing tradition of fishing. Eilean Croine was escorted in by her sister ship Sparking Star and the Menhaden along with a flotilla of boats. From left: Jaden, Eric, Amanda and Craig Murphy welcoming the arrival. (Photo: Anne Marie Cronin)

Bank Of Ireland Branches in West Cork recently ran a coffee morning in each of their branches to raise funds for their colleague Hazel O’Connell who will be running the Dublin City Marathon in October. Hazel is fundraising for a charity close to her heart, the Alzheimer’s Association of Ireland. Julie Murphy, Maria Foley and Hazel O’Connell at the coffee morning which raised a total of €1,070.

Fr Bernard Cotter, Co PP in Union Hall recently celebrated the 40th anniversary of his ordination to priesthood. Fr Cotter with his first cousins who attended the mass at Castlehaven Church last Sunday morning included (from left): Frances Power, (Carrigaline), Clare Campion (Athlone), Dan Joe and Anne O'Donovan and Alice O'Donovan (Drinagh). (Photo: Anne Minihane)

Leo McMahon captured a beautiful shot of reflections and rhododendrons at the Blue Pool, Glengarriff.

On a recent trip to the UK, John Dinneen from Kealkil visited his aunt Mary and uncle John, both native of Barna, Caheragh.

Recently enrolled Dunmanway Girl Guides Senior Branch members Àine Collins and Amy McCarthy at Cuskinny Activity Centre with fellow members Maebh McCarthy, Aoife Collins, Caoimhin McCarthy, Molly O'Brien, Sarah Hurley, Hannah Daly, Kayla Collins, Megan Collins, Audrey McCarthy and leaders Heather Pabiou, Karen Murphy and Colette Collins.

Juliette Martin (library staff), Michelle O’Mahony (OM History Consultant and festival PR), Jo McSweeney (festival organiser), Tjorven Deane (library officer) and Laoise Cronin (library staff) accepting the award, sponsored by OM History Consultants, to Dunmanway Library for the best dressed window for the Feel The Force weekend.

The Dunmanway Knit and Natter group, who meet at Dunmanway library, with Michelle O’Mahony of OM History Consultant who sponsored the best window display. The group won the specially commissioned slate trophy for their many Yoda knitted characters which were displayed in the library window and drew much attention over the course of the Feel the Force festival.

The winners of the Doheny/Sam Maguire annual golf classic which took place in Skibbereen Golf Club were Colin Farr, Darragh Kelly and Sean Dullea with (left) Neil Crowley, manager of Centra/Circle K who were the main sponsors and (right) club chairman Mark Farr.

Sophie Lynch and Ruby Quilter from Ballinhassig enjoying the steam and vintage rally which was held recently in Innishannon. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

The Ballinascarthy U10 team included (back, from left): Arthur O'Leary, Jack O'Sullivan, Tim Heverin, Philip O'Flynn, Danny Deasy and Konrad Diamond. Front (from left): Kia Fleming, Edel O'Flynn, Oisín Deasy, Joseph McDermott, Cormac O'Callaghan and Arthur Walker.

Fine Gael’s John Michael Foley from Timoleague, who was elected to the constituency of Bandon-Kinsale LEA for the very first time, celebrating with his wife Denise and their children (from left): Johnny, Maggie, Catherine and Ellen at the count centre in Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

The winners of the event were (from left): Enda Fitzmaurice (third), Nick Hogan (winner) and John Cronin (second).

Michael O'Driscoll and Gearóid Long from Kilbrittain taking a rest at the Clonakilty Agricultural Show with their Holstein calves Hazel Knockbrown and Debbie Knockbrown. (Photo: Tom Hayes)

The school has gone through many changes over the years but its inclusive approach to learning has meant this school has made its mark locally.

The school has gone through many changes over the years but its inclusive approach to learning has meant this school has made its mark locally.

The winning footballers from Bishop Galvin Central School who won the Sciath na Scol football final last week.

The four volunteers who counted the Clonakilty mayoral election votes at O'Donovan's Hotel last Sunday from 10am to 5.15pm are (standing) Ger O’Driscoll and Marian Cadogan and (seated) Donal O’Donovan and Ted Murphy.

The five newly-elected mayors of Clonakilty, who will hold the title for one year each, starting on Thursday evening when a public ceremony at 7pm at Asna Square will see Eileen Sheppard (left) installed for the coming twelve months. She will be followed in rotation (from left) by Conan O'Donovan (2025-2026), Yousuf Janab Ali (2026-2027), James White (2027-2028) and Anthony McDermott (2028-2029).

Caroline and Caoilfhionn O’Regan from Dunmanway (left) with Eimear and Max Geary from Clonakilty enjoying some time together in Kennedy Park, Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

The Ilen Rovers U14 B girls team had a league match against Kinsale last Sunday. The team included (back, from left): Grace Fitzgerald, Alannah O’Driscoll, Izzy O’Flynn, Lucy O’Driscoll, Robyn Whooley, Siobhan Hickey, Maria Connolly, Mia Crowley, Tara Duggan, Ciara Collins, Tiana Crosby and Sanne Connolly. Front (from left): Aisling Hickey, Juliette Field, Molly O’Neill, Annie Collins, Maggie Hallihane, Laura Coakley, Neasa Daly, Claire Collins and Hannah O’Driscoll.

Pupils from fifth and sixth class at Rath National School with the Aquaculture Remote Classroom (ARC) from BIM which taught the pupils all about aquaculture in Ireland.

The Ballinspittle NS winning Sciath na Scol girls team included (back, from left): Hannah Hayes, Hollie O'Sullivan, Aisling Merwick, Megan Daly, Aoibhlinn Smith, Ella Murray, Michaela Coholan, Sinéad White, Leah Murray and Lia Hurley. Front (from left): Sinéad O'Sullivan, Aoife Walsh, Lucy Hurley, Maggie Ryan, Molly McLaughlin, Nicole Murray, Tara Murray, Freya Coholan and Megan Austin.

The winning Ballinspittle NS Sciath na Scol boys team included (back, from left): Liam Murphy, Donnchadh Fahy, Tom Harrington, Eoin Downing, Shane Winters, Ciarán O'Leary, Zac Beare, Darragh Moloney, Luke Deely, Conor Hull, John O'Leary and Alex Hipwell. Front (from left): Ronan Fitzgerald, Morgan Ryan, Oran White, Liam Foley, Ross Collins, Sam Twomey, Carthach O'Riordan, Fionn McLaughlin, Conor Donohoe, Oisín Walsh and Charlie Buckley. Andrew Duncan is missing from the photo.

Timoleague’s John Michael Foley (second from right), who was elected to the constituency of Bandon-Kinsale LEA for the very first time with (from left): John O’Brien (Baryroe), Padraig Fleming (Courtmacsherry) and Edward McSweeney (Timoleague) at the count centre in Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Sheila O'Regan, Mick O'Sullivan and Mary Jo O'Gorman, Rosscarbery with newly elected Cllr Noel O'Donovan, who topped the poll in the Skibbereen electoral area.

Sean O'Leary from Glaun in Schull came first in the semi-finals of the 60m, first in the final and fourth in the county final at the recent Cork City Sports event.

There has been another win for Liam O’Brien of Ballydehob and his horse Christy Brown in the Pace Grade and Grade 2 at Dunmanway Harness Races on Friday June 7th. From left: Michael O’Mahony (winning driver from Schull), Conor Hurley (trainer), Rian Hayes, Liam O’Brien and Mike Healy.

Dara, Amy and Eddie Bennet, Daithi Carroll, Sean Keohane, Conor Keohane, Euan McSweeney and Ross McSweeney enjoying the recent Ballydehob Country Music Festival. (Photo: Anne Minihane)

Niamh Howe and Norma O'Gorman at the Dairygold Teagasc farm walk titled ‘farming for water to protect our future’ which was held on the farm of Raymond Goggin, Templemartin, Bandon. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

St Michael's Centre committee members Sharon Ryan, Sharon O'Flynn and Jerry Megihan giving singer songwriter George Murphy a ceád míle fáilte mór to Gaggin Community Hall last weekend where he sang in concert. Proceeds from the concert and raffle were in aid of St Michael's Centre.

Sinead Chappen and her daughter Kayla from Bandon with Poppy the dog on a visit to Dock beach in Kinsale. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Hashim Qamar, Shakra Mehak, Shaista Javed, Kaynad Alvi, Saba Shakoor and Sitara Faraz at the Basant Festival which took place recently at the community park in Carrigaline. (Photo: David Creedon)

Molly Hull’s photo of a bee on a dahlia was the winning entry in the adult section in the Durrus biodiversity photo competition.

Young camogie stars of Tracton and Ballygarvan, U11 and U12, travelled to Dublin as part of the Allianz Ireland Cuman to Croke Pairc programme.

Members of Comhaltas Ballinspittle are ready for the event to mark the anniversary.

Pupils and staff at Summercove National School raised €380 for the Irish Red Cross Kinsale branch by having a fundraising day at Madden Park. At the cheque presentation were (from left): Michelle O’Neill, Claire Coleman, Adam Bergin, Brian McCarthy, Emma O’Dowd, Mary McNally, Clare O’Sullivan and Kit Davies.

Comedian John Bishop and kayaker Felipe Behrens from Florida both visited the Old Head Signal Tower last week where they were shown around by committee member Jon Hynes.

Clonakilty count centre staff waiting for the ballot boxes to arrive so they can begin the local election count. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

Anne Coyne from Rathbarry with Rose McCarthy from Ballinascarthy and her Connemara pony Ruby at the annual agricultural show that was held in Belgooly. (Photo: David Creedon)

Five-year-old Daniel Lyons from Nohoval with his father’s Belguim Blue calf which got second place at the annual agricultural show in Belgooly. (Photo: David Creedon)

Ciara, Aoife and Fia Bennett from Ballinhassig with Emma Harrington from Ballyfeard next to Harvey the miniature horse at the Belgooly Show. (Photo: Siobhán Russell)

Noreen Quinn (Old Head Kinsale), with Betsy Aherne (secretary of the catering tent) and Pat O'Leary (volunteer), at the Belgooly Show. (Photo: Siobhán Russell)

County mayor Cllr Frank O’Flynn paid tribute to the ten elected members of Cork County Council who retired ahead of the local elections. Mayor O’Flynn presented each Cllr with a certificate to mark their years of service. Cllr Marcia D’Alton receiving her certificate from Cllr Frank O’Flynn. (Photo: Brian Lougheed)

Sanchi Navnish, Phil Rosy and Samaira Navnish at the Basant Festival which was held recently in Carrigaline. (Photo: David Creedon)

Social Democrat Ann Bambury celebrates her election at the count centre in Clonakily with family and supporters. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Independent candidate, farmer Helen O'Callaghan, who narrowly missed out on a seat in Bantry.

The Social Democrats team checking over stats at the Clonakilty count centre with party leader Holly Cairns TD, standing, and newly-elected Skibbereen Cllr Isobel Towse, second from right. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

Cllr Marie O'Sullivan making her point - elected!

A bird's eye view of floor of Mallow GAA Complex showing the tallyfolk lined along the barriers, with a cross-party system of talling in operation for the first time ever, resulting in incredibly accurate data for election nerds. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Fine Gael's John Michael Foley, the undertaker from Timoleague, celebrates with his wife Denise after his election at Clonakilty Count Centre. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

Patrick Gerard Murphy (Fianna Fáil) with friends and family following his election to Cork County Council at the count centre in Clonakilty. Fine Gael’s Caroline Cronin (applauding), who was elected for Fine Gael, is on the left. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

All returned: Cllrs Joe Carroll, Deirdre Kelly, Patrick Gerard Murphy and Gillian Coughlan following their election in Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Denis and Elsa Harrington at the count centre in Clonakilty on Sunday waiting for their dad Finbarr to get elected.

Finbarr Harrington celebrates his election to the constituency of Bantry- West Cork LEA at the count centre in Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Aontú's dual candidate Patrick Murphy speaking from the count centre to The Southern Star on Saturday evening.

Finbarr Harrington celebrates his election with his wife and mother. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

The view from the balcony of the count at County Hall last Saturday where the votes for Carrigaline were counted, which saw Seamus McGrath top the poll comfortably and Eoin Dalton O'Sullivan come in second.

Newly elected Independent councillors, Ben Dalton O'Sullivan (Carrigaline) and Martin Coughlan ( Macroom) at the count in County Hall.

Independent Ireland's new councillor Daniel Sexton, third from left, with supporters and friends including party leader Michael Collins TD, second from right, at the count in Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

The two food trucks parked up outside County Hall during the election count.

Sinn Féin's newest councillor, Eoghan Fahy, second from left,. celebrating taking the sixth seat in Carrigaline at County Hall with, from left: Audrey Fahy, John Fahy, Rían Fahy and Melanie McCarthy.

A fisheye view of the count centre in Clonakilty on Saturday. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Social Democrat Ann Bambury gets a congratulatory kiss from her husband Tomás watched by party leader Holly Cairns. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Social Democrat Isobel Towse (right) and party leader Holly Cairns with their team following Isobel’s election to the constituency of Skibbereen-West Cork LEA. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Outgoing Cllr Chris Heinhold with wife Emer and baby Maisie at the count in Clonakilty.

Fionn O’Driscoll-Hayes from Schull giving his approval for the count at Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Poll-topper Alan Coleman (Independent) hugs his wife Yvonne and their son Darragh with their suporters following his election to the Bandon/Kinsale area. Photo: Martin Walsh.

Skibbereen’s Joe Carroll gets a hug from grandaughter Ann following his election. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns TD and newly-elected Fine Gael councillor Noel O'Donovan. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

Independent Ireland’s Daniel Sexton is hoisted up after his election. (Photo: Martin Walsh)