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Out and About in West Cork: St Patrick's Day special

March 25th, 2025 8:00 AM

By Southern Star Team

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Were you Out and About West Cork lately? Check out our Out and About in West Cork photo gallery from last week!

Clockwise from above: Lucy and Jessica Hunt from Belgooly enjoying the festival parade in Kinsale. Michael and Derval Murphy with their dog Pippa on St Patrick's Day in Schull. Tom Óg Dickinson appreciates the music at the Castletownbere parade. (Photos: John Allen, Carlos Benlayo & Anne Marie Cronin)

(Left) At the Patrick's Day parade in Coppeen were Caragh Fehilly, Cailyn O'Sullivan and Etty McCarthy. Laurence Necio, Skibbereen, Arthur Lagasca, Baltimore, with Algerico Maghanoy and Arnel Valenzuela, both of Skibbereen enjoying the St. Patrick's Day Parade in the town. (Photos: Denis Boyle and Anne Minihane).

Laurence Necio, Skibbereen, Arthur Lagasca, Baltimore, Algerico Maghanoy, and Arnel Valenzuela, both of Skibbereen enjoying the St. Patrick's Day Parade in the town. (Photo: Anne Minihane)

Freda and Dylan Browne enjoying the St Patrick’s Day parade in Bandon. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Twins Sophie and Isla Bowes enjoying the St Patrick’s Day parade in Coppeen. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Land owner Tim Dennehy with his children Thady, Saoirse and Kitty with Jerry from Kerry and his horses Elton and Larry at the Macroom 52nd annual ploughing match which was the seventh ploughing match of the 2024/2025 season in the Cork West region and which was held on the lands of Dennehy family, Coolineagh, Aghabullogue. (Photo: David Patterson)

Members of the Coyle and Mythen families enjoying the St Patrick's Day parade in Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Part of the Scoil an Chroí Ró Naofa float in the parade in Castletownbere. (Photo: Anne Marie Cronin)

Patrick (seated) had his 60th birthday a few weeks ago and he celebrated in the Maritime Hotel at an event organised by his brother Donal (left) and sister-in-law Karen (right) who live in Clonakilty. Karen suggested that in lieu of presents, Patrick would very much appreciate a donation to the Jesters instead. A bucket at the door raised a fantastic €1,350 which was presented to the Jesters after the St Patrick’s Day parade on Monday.

Bantry St Patrick’s Day parade’s grand marshal Jennifer Evans being interviewed by PJ McNamara of radio C103. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

Millie Fitzpatrick and Katie O’Donovan enjoying the festivities in Bantry during the Bantry Goes Green Festival. (Photo: Tony O’Donovan)

Bantry, West Cork, Ireland. 17th Mar, 2025. Thousands of people attended the St. Patrick's Day parade in Bantry today, on a cold but dry day. Picture: Andy Gibson.

Former Skibbereen postmaster Adrian Healy with his wife Roz, and the county mayor Cllr Joe Carroll, at the New York St Patrick’s Day parade. (Photo: Adrian Healy)

The winners of this year’s St Patrick's Day parade were the pupils from Cahermore National School, doing a line dance for the crowd. (Photo: Anne Marie Cronin)

Clonakilty's Jessica and Chloe Cookson were suitably wrapped up for St Patrick's weekend in Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Community activist Ballinascarthy lady Betty Hennessy, who was the grand marshal of the Clonakilty St Patrick's Day parade (right) with her friend Ann O'Sullivan, also from Ballinascarthy. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Pupils from Knockskeagh National School were very colourful at the St Patrick's Day parade in Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Clonakilty's Gerald Kingston (centre) picking his lotto numbers from Clonakilty RFC members Eugene Brennan (left) and Denis Noonan at their popular lotto location outside O'Donovan's Hotel on Pearse Street. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

At the Courtmacsherry St Patrick's Day Parade were (seated, from left): Michael Manning, Brian O'Dywer (grand marshal) and Bernadette O'Brien (master of ceremonies). Standing (from left): Gerald O'Donovan (committee chairperson), Cllr John Michael Foley, Dara Gannon, Rev Kingsley Sutton and Minister for State Christopher O'Sullivan. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

The Courtmacsherry RNLI was honoured at the St Patrick's Day parade in Courtmacsherry. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Noel Walsh on his bike at th parade. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Claire O'Rourke (Timoleague), David Murphy (Wexford) and Caroline O'Driscoll (Kilbrittain) enjoying their day at the Macroom 52nd annual ploughing match which was the seventh ploughing match of the 2024/2025 season in the Cork West region and which was held on the lands of Dennehy family, Coolineagh, Aghabullogue. (Photo: David Patterson)

Nathan and Kelvin Kingston (Milleennagun, Dunmanway) taking part with a Massey Ferguson 1010 compact tractor and trailer at the Dunmanway St Patrick’s Day parade. (Photo: David Patterson)

The band Pure Class entertaining the crowd at the Dunmanway St Patrick’s Day parade. (Photo: David Patterson)

Tommy Collins was the grand marshal at the St Patrick’s Day parade in Dunmanway.

Dunmanway's Deridre O'Neill and Noah Hayes in Spiller's Lane during a trip to Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Paddy Hegarty as St Patrick with grand marshal Gene Griffin at the St Patrick's Day parade in Schull. (Photo: Carlos Benlayo)

Schull Community College Sailing Club committee members with the Fastnet trophy, the Munster trophy and some specially commissioned prizes which were sponsored by McWilliam bags. From left: Sofia Harrap, Lucy Copithorne, Ruby McCarthy Fisher and Kiva Scannell.

Tadhg Holland, Cullen O’Neill, Timothy Sheehy, Nicolas McSweeney and Eoghan Collins during Baltimore’s St Patrick’s Day parade.

Jim Collins and Michael O’Mahony representing Rath Vintage Club on their restored High Nelly bicycles at the St Patrick’s Day parade in Baltimore.

Pupils of Rath National School sang, played music and danced at the St Patrick’s Day mass.

Members of the Courceys Athletic Club at the Garrettstown 5 Mile race last Sunday

Grainne Keogh from Belgooly leading the first ever St Patrick’s Day parade at the South Pole.

Caoimh O’Riordan on duty at the Killeady Hunter Trials, keeping track of the numbered bibs for the competitors. (Photo: Gearoid Holland)

A drone view of the fireworks over Kinsale marking the end of the annual maritime parade during the St Patrick’s festival. (Photo: John Allen)

Alex Stringer, a fifth class pupil at Summercove National School, was the overall winner of the Kinsale St Patrick’s Day art competition. (Photo: John Allen)

Locals Amelia Murphy and Emily Carroll enjoying the St Patrick’s Day parade in Kinsale. (Photo: John Allen)

A meitheal was held last Saturday to clear the Memory Garden which stretches behind the wall from the parish hall to the bridge. An amazing amount of clearing was done by a crew of great workers.

Members of the Bandon camogie club’s successful minor team, along with their coaches, showing off their silverware at the St Patrick’s Day parade last Monday.

St James' National School pupils Harvey and Theo PayneLynch, Nina, Millie and Pippa Woodward, James Davies, Grace Solomon and Conor Niemann celebrating National Tree Week in Wiseman's garden in Durrus.

Members of Muintir Bháire Foróige Club who attended the recent Foróige Ball at the Parkway Hotel in Dunmanway are (front, from left): Davin Ross, Luke McCarthy, Róisín Tobin, Ciara Daly, Abbie Thornton, Karen Dukelow, Michaela Nicholas and Louise Murray. Back (from left): Issac Horgan, Andrew Ring, Ryan Young, Art O'Leary, Kevin Nash, Sean Wiseman, Ryan O'Sullivan, Danny O'Donovan and Chrlie Tobin.

Betty Hennessy being congratulated by her daughter Caroline at the Clonakilty St Patrick's Day parade.

Grand marshal Betty Hennessy with her grandchildren Ronan and Clodagh Hennessy from Kilmalooda.

Peig Curtin from Bandon with her one-year-old grandchild John Edward O'Driscoll enjoying the Ballydehob St Patrick’s Day parade together.

Local legend Kitty O’Mahony, who helps keep Ballydehob village ticking along by always volunteering at the Community Shop, being a member of the Community Council and stewarding on a days like St Patrick’s Day.

MJ, Aoibhín, and Sonny Hurley from Dunbeacon, cheering on their dad Fergus, with their mum Shauna at the West Cork Rally last weekend.

Brian Harrington, Ed McCarthy and Dylan Baker, representing Carbery, took part in the county youths team bowling event at Phale Road on St Patrick’s Day.

Harper O'Mahony and Sadie Nealon, pupils at Castletownshend National School, taking part in the Skibbereen St Patrick's Day parade. (Photo: Anne Minihane)

Leah and Emma O'Driscoll enjoying the parade in Skibbereen on Monday. (Photo: Anne Minhane)

Courtmacsherry brothers Barry Holland and Rory Holland, who proudly led the County Cork BP & P Association of New York up 5th Avenue on March 17th. Barry assisted with carrying the County Cork banner, while Rory carried the tri-colour Irish flag. It was both an honour and a privilege for the brothers to participate in the historic event while visiting New York.

Uillinn West Cork Arts Centre and Cecas were the winners of the Julia Hickey Memory Trophy for their entry Flocks, Flights and Feathers at the Skibbereen St Patrick's Day parade. Catherine O'Callaghan presented the trophy to Louise Forsyth of Uillinn. Also included are: Ana Ospina (Cecas), Sylwya Migdal (Uillinn), and Tara de las Casas (artist). (Photo: Anne Minihane)

Keenan Crean, a student at Crossmahon National School, who only this week celebrated his Confirmation, getting ready for the St Patrick’s Day parade. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Eithne O’Driscoll captured this serene photo at Cloc na Cliona, Baltimore last week.

Colm and Ríonach O'Brien with dad Peter walking with the Carrigaline IFA and enjoying the St Patrick's Day parade in Carrigaline.

Miranda Daly from Leap and Cathy Sharma from Clonakilty attended the Fashion for Falasteen event which was organised by West Cork for Palestine. The event was a Palestinian-themed sustainable fashion show held at Cecas, Myross Woods, Leap last Friday. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

Enjoying the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Clonakilty were Maeve and Ella O'Sullivan with Anna and Ellen Meade. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Michael and Derval Murphy with their dog Pippa enjoying the St Patrick's Day in Schull. (Photo:Carlos Benlayo)

Tom Óg Dickinson enjoy the music at the Castletownbere St. Patrick's Day Parade. (Photo: Anne Marie Cronin)

(Left) Refusing to let the weather get them down in Bandon were Kenneth Beamish and Andrew Coleman. Meanwhile, enjoying Lá Fhéile Pádraig in Clonakilty were Maeve and Ella O'Sullivan with Anna and Ellen Meade. (Photos: Denis Boyle and Martin Walsh)

Meadnh O'Leary and Anna Jagielska with Sorcha, Iarlaith and Eadaoin O'Connell at the Skibbereen St. Patricks Day Parade, where (right) Skibb local and World Kickboxing Champion Evan Collins was Grand Marshall, here alongside St Patrick and kickboxing coach Ian Kingston. (Photos: Anne Minihane)

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