Caoimhe, Damian and Mary White from Ring attended the 'Mind our Minds' inspirational talk by former Cork intercounty hurler Dessie Fitzgerald at the Courtmacsherry Community Hall hosted by the Barryroe GAA club. Left: 'Tom' the horse and his rider Sandra Crowley from Rosscarbery took time out to visit Nolan's Bar for a glass of cider after a ride on The Warren beach. Seamus Lane, an employee of Nolan's, hopped onto Tom during his break from work. (Photos: Martin Walsh, Andy Gibson)

Kilcoe National School were delighted to welcome singer songwriter John Spillane last week, where he and the pupils sang and played music together. Right: Sisters Saoirse and Róisín Hickey who are 1st and senior infant class pupils, pictured with their mum Rachel Hickey and grandparents Justine and Denis Fay. (Photos: Anne Minihane.)

Caoimhe O'Driscoll, Ciara O'Donovan, Shauna and Eabha Kehilly at the annual Tractor run in Ahiohill. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Ahiohill Vintage Club held its annual tractor run on Sunday last, in aid of West Cork Rapid Response, Courtmacsherry Harbour RNLI and Ahiohill National School. Ellie Donegan from Ahohill with her dog 'Bobby' at the run. Right: Sonny Ryan from Lisavaird was waiting for the tractor run to start. (Photos: Andy Gibson)

Shanice Kingston, Maria Immaculata Community College Dunmanway, at the Cork Education and Training Board Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied and Student of the Year awards ceremony 2024 which were held at City Hall in Cork. (Photo: Jim Coughlan)

Kate Murphy with her hobby horse and Amelia Barrett with Totty enjoying their time at the point-to-point races in Bandon. (Photo: Denis Boyle)

Paul O'Sullivan, a past pupil of Clogagh National School, with his son Jack, a current student in fourth class at the school. Jack won a raffle prize of a signed Munster rugby ball at the fundraising bingo last Sunday.

Deputy Seamus McGrath, TD and his wife Gayle at the CIF Cork (Construction Industry Federation) dinner which was held at the Rochestown Park Hotel.
(Photo: Brian Lougheed)

Eimear O'Sullivan, Ellie Buckley, Amy Sheppard, Clara Daly, Laoise Burns and Isabelle Golden, all Coachford College, at the Cork Education and Training Board Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied, and Student of the Year awards ceremony 2024, which was held at City Hall, Cork. (Photo: Jim Coughlan)

Amie Sheehan, Julie Dwyer, and Noelle McCarthy from Riverstick at the Sliabh Rua awards night which was recently held in Actons Hotel. (Photo: John Allen)

Cllr Ben Dalton O'Sullivan and Donie O’Callaghan taking a break from their recent exertions cleaning the car park at Killingley Cemetery.

Jack O'Shea, aged 12, took a photo of the view from his mother, Dr Fiona Kelly’s, desk at the Haven Medical Centre in Castletownbere. Jack’s teacher promised the class no homework if his photo made it into print in The Southern Star.

Donal Kelly from Castletownbere receiving his Community Award from county mayor Cllr Joe Carroll at the award ceremony held recently at County Hall in Cork. Three of Donal’s daughters, Olive, Carmel and Regina accompanied him. (Photo: Brian Lougheed)

Sean Sullivan, Cian Twomey, Mike and Ollie Fenton enjoying the match last weekend. (Photo: Anne Marie Cronin)

Gaelscoil Bheanntraí won the U13 category in the annual Bantry Credit Union Schools Quiz. Team members were (from left) Penelope Ní Shúilleabháin, Aoife Ní Chonchúir, Rian Ó Conchúir and Eve Ní Mhuirthile with quizmaster Eleanor Fitzgerald and Bantry Credit Union staff member, Peadar Noonan.

Clonakilty Macra’s national debating team members Natasha Sutton, Lucy Edmunds, Elaine Houlihan (president, Macra), Áine Tobin and Anne Barrett, who lost out in the national final.

At the official ribbon cutting ceremony of the new Lisavaird Costcutter store, Jer Deasy, World Ploughing Champion (centre) was joined by local school children, Jim Barry (left), James Healy (chairmain of Lisaviard Co-op committee of management) and Martin Dineen (right), ceo of Lisavaird Co-op.

Clonakilty's Ashling Carroll (left) with Ciara McCarthy and Fiadh Collins, who was six months old on the day of the photograph taken in Kennedy Park, Clonakilty last Friday. (Photo: Martin Walsh.)

The legendary 'Dutch' from Peddlar's Cross and Clonakilty's Niamh Geoghegan enjoying the sunshine in Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Harper O'Mahony (left) with her mum Caroline and brother Theo, all from Clonakilty, enjoying some time together at the Friday market. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

West Cork Collective artists, makers and friends waiting excitedly for founder, and fellow artist, Rebecca Powell to cut the ribbon to the new gift shop and gallery which opened last Sunday to great success.

Three generations of the Ryan family, Denis (Innishannon) with son Dunny and grandson Sonny (Lisavaird) enjoying their day at the Ahiohill tractor, car and truck run, which was followed by tractor dyno testing. Proceeds of the run will go to West Cork Rapid Response, Courtmacsherry Harbour RNLI and Ahiohill National School. (Photo: David Patterson)

The Rumpunch Gang (from left): Mike Flynn, Caroline Whelton, Vera Flynn, and Conor Flynn who won the Courtmacsherry Rowing Club's fundraising quiz that was held at the Pier House, Courtmacsherry last Friday night. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

The West Cork Jesters, and their supporters, celebrating the Jesters winning the County Mayor's Community Award. From left: Cillian Cronin, Geraldine Middea, Luigi Middea, Niall Collins, Fiona Riney, Claire Downey, Sean Downey, Joy Robinson, Sean Healy, Emily Cotter, Stiofan Cronin, Yvonne Lynch, Ellen O’Donoghue, Carmel Cronin, Mayor Joe Carroll and Cllr Caroline Cronin.

Aoife O'Donovan presenting the proceeds of the cake sale to Cian of Focus Ireland at a recent meeting of Muintir Bháire Foróige Club.

Pat Kelleher (Dunmanway) took part driving a Volvo FH16 truck at the Ahiohill tractor, car and truck run, which was followed by tractor dyno testing. Proceeds of the run will go to West Cork Rapid Response, Courtmacsherry Harbour RNLI and Ahiohill National School. (Photo: David Patterson)

James Desmond (Ballinacarriga) and Shauna Kehilly (Dunmanway) took part in a Fendt 516 tractor at the Ahiohill tractor, car and truck run, which was followed by tractor dyno testing. (Photo: David Patterson)

Children of Clogagh National School were thrilled with the presence of a rally car at their school in advance of the forthcoming Clonakilty Park Hotel West Cork Rally. During the visit they heard about the safety aspects of rallying and what is involved for the drivers and co-drivers. Included in the photo are Helen O'Flynn (school principal), and Art McCarrick (sporting manager, Motorsport Ireland). (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Declan Whelton from Kilbrittain snapped this photo of two riders neck and neck at the point-to-point races in Kilpatrick last weekend.

Leading jockeys at the point-to-point were Cal Shine (left) and Alan O’Sullivan (right) receiving presentations from Jayne McCarthy (PRO) and Catherine O’Driscoll (secretary) of Carbery Hunt point-to-point.

Leading jockeys at the point-to-point were Cal Shine (left) and Alan O’Sullivan (right) receiving presentations from Jayne McCarthy (PRO) and Catherine O’Driscoll (secretary) of Carbery Hunt point-to-point.

Members and representatives of Bandon Special Olympics attended the Copper Grove in Bandon to receive a cheque for €4,500 from the proceeds of funds raised from the recent Bandon tractor, truck, jeep and car run. Other beneficiaries that received similar funding from the event were Bandon Athletic Club and Bandon Union of Parishes. (Photo: Gearoid Holland)

Friends Jessica O'Sullivan (left) and Meadhbh Hodnett, both from Rosscarbery, enjoying a catch-up in Clonakilty. (Photo: Martin Walsh)

Transition Year art students at Schull Community College created a striking mural as part of their Creative Engagement project with mural artist Vanessa Power.

Sofia Lyall and Sophie Brennan decorating their pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. (Photo: Andy Gibson)

Leona Forde, author of the popular Milly McCarthy series of children’s books, at the Kinsale Library on Ireland Reads Day.

Boys and girls from Rusheen National School having fun during the visit of West Cork Rapid Response to their school recently.

Andrew O’Sullivan with his son Adam after the Castletownbere match last weekend. (Photo: Anne Marie Cronin)

The Rath National School’s Green Schools Committee who recently worked with Jessica Mason from the Heritage in Schools scheme. Back (from left): Liam O’Neill, Cathal Ronan, Paddy Sheehy, Jessica Mason, William O’Neill, and Emma Cottrell. Middle (from left): Éirinn O’Driscoll, Rathnaid Whooley, Róisín McDermott, Alexis O’Regan, and Rebecca McSweeney. Front (from left): Myah Musgrave, Méabh Collins, and Darragh Fitzgerald.

Rath National School’s student council members at the recent cake sale to celebrate the end of Friendship Week and to raise funds for Special Olympics Ireland are (from left) Hugo O’Driscoll, Christopher O’Neill, Mila Browne, and Roisín McDermott.

Kingsley Crosby Osagie, sixth class pupil at Rath National School, was named the U12 player of the year in the West Cork schoolboys league.

Cailla Cowhie, Glanmire Community College and Nora Kate O'Leary, Bishop McEgan College Macroom, at the Cork Education and Training Board Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied and Student of the Year awards ceremony 2024 at City Hall, Cork. (Photo: Jim Coughlan)

The CCE Baile Núis group was crowned senior All-Ireland pléaracha champions last Saturday in the Brú Ború in Cashel, County Tipperary.

xxx waiting xxx

Kate Nolan and Martina Dempsey from Tidy Towns taking advantage of the warm spring weather to plant out flowering heathers in the Án Gairdín Beag in Union Hall, a small garden behind the Community Centre for everyone to enjoy. (Photo: Andrew Harris)

West Cork Chevals is organising a cheval ride which will take place on Sunday March 9th, leaving the Union Hall GAA grounds at 12.30pm. The funds raised will be in aid of the Union Hall RNLI. Included in the photo are members of the West Cork Chevals, John O'Regan, Kathleen, Tony and Marie O'Mahony, Hannah Willsher and Daniel O'Brien with horses Socks, Jess, Blaze and Jess with members of the Union Hall RNLI, Denis O'Donovan, Billy White, Aodh O'Donnell and crew Ellen O'Regan, Lily Riddle and John Kelleher. (Photo: Anne Minihane)

A sample of the fun from the first ever Union Hall Pancake Races which were held on Tuesday afternoon. (Photo: Anne Minihane)

Clodagh, Doireann, Sadie and Bláithin White, Dáire Whelton, and Freya Barry all from Union Hall, enjoying the inaugural Union Hall Pancake Races. (Photo: Anne Minihane)

Aoibhín Kingston of Enniskeane NS, who celebrated Pancake Tuesday in the school with her class mates earlier this week. (Photos: Andy Gibson)

5th Class pupil Zara Joaquim got stuck in for Pancake Tuesday in Enniskeane, the traditional day of excess before the long days of Lent.

Tara Doyle and Kayleigh Johnson were all smiles as they enjoyed their crepes on Pancake Tuesday in Enniskeane, while their schoolmate Lewis Gammon enjoyed his with strawberries and chocolate, as the evidence shows!

Enniskeane, West Cork, Ireland. 4th Mar, 2025. Today is Shrove Tuesday, or Pancake Day as it's more commonly known. Pancakes were a traditional way to use up surplus eggs, butter and milk. Enjoying a chocolate spread, marshmallow and strawberry covered panckae is school pupil Lewis Gammon. Picture: Andy Gibson.