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Create a cohesive look through colour

August 22nd, 2024 9:00 PM

By Southern Star Team

Create a cohesive look through colour Image
Add in accent colours that you love and that you will use consistently. (Photos: Shutterstock)

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IF your home decor is not cohesive then your home will never feel ‘right’ or finished.

A whole home colour palette is an essential way of creating a cohesive look. Without this defined your  rooms will not flow and the this can make the house feel disjointed.

Of course, this is most important when your house has an open floor plan, but even behind closed doors, a sudden change in colour can also be quite jarring.

Gone are the days of us opting for a ‘terracotta’ room or a ‘blue’ room. We tend to be wanting a more soothing flow to our spaces. This is when we then choose a neutral (a shade of white or cream, grey, ‘greige’ or even a pale version of a more saturated colour) to paint throughout our homes and add in accent colours that you love and that you will use consistently.


Don’t worry about trends. It’s important that these are colours that you really love since you will be committing to them throughout your home.

If, for example, navy blue is your dominant accent colour, it may be the colour of your couch in your sitting room, or painted on an accent wall in another and a rug in yet another, or a piece of artwork on the wall.

The same colour is reflected throughout your home in different ways, creating a sense of flow and cohesion.

If you need help creating a cohesive look in your home, contact Lauraine on 086 8657360 follow her Facebook page ineanish or

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