This week’s photo, sent in by Hilary O’Sullivan comes all the way from 1914, of students in Kilmeen NS. Front row, from left: John Good, Nat Hawkins, Bob Bateman, Henry and Barney Good. Second row: Madge Buttimer, Kit Hawkins, Elma Bateman, ?, Mary Bryan, Maggie Hurley, Daisy Bateman, Eliza Gabriel, Cissy Shorten, Annie Buttimer. Third row: Jenny Buttimer, Knocks, Beatrice Buttimer, Rachel Hobbs, Susie Gariel, Jenny Buttimer, Nancy Buttimer, Suzannah Buttimer, Tom Buttimer, Thomas Buttimer. Back row: Tom Gariel, Willie Shorten, Arthur Kingston, Walter Hurley, Sam Hawkins, Edwin Kingston, Alan Hurley, Robert Hawkins, George Buttimer, Robert Buttimer, John Buttimer, teacher Ethel Kingston.
READERS: If you want to share your memories, send us old photos, film or video and pictures of memorabilia that may be of wider interest by email to: [email protected]
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