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I’m seething to see more dumping

March 20th, 2021 5:10 PM

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EDITOR – I am seething. Two weeks ago Tidy Towns teams of Skibbereen and Baltimore were out in force clearing roads and beaches of rubbish. And a fantastic job they did there too.

My thanks go out for all of you making such a huge effort to keep the countryside and towns lovely. Unfortunately, comments came back from the collectors that a lot of it wasn’t casually dropped litter, which is bad enough, but dumped rubbish, which is nothing short of a disgrace.

What, if anything at all, goes through these people’s thick heads? One case as an illustration (and I know there are many, many others) is an area around the highest point of the Lough Hyne walking loop, which, as most of you know, is beautiful countryside and provides amazing views.

However, it is far enough off the beaten track to allow dumping to take place unobserved. The County Council cleared some builders waste from the side of the road back at the end of last year.

Volunteers picked up three bags of domestic recycling just before Christmas but couldn’t get it all.

In the meantime it was joined by another heap of stuff, and all scooped up by a volunteer two weeks ago. It was mostly cans and bottles, plus the inevitable miscellaneous yuck.

Between a recent Saturday evening and the following Tuesday, yet another lot turned up.

It will be difficult to retrieve as it is chucked well over the wall into a field of scrub and out of the legal reach of the Council, so we will be relying on the services of our volunteers to move it. As far as I can make out it, is the same stuff: cans and bottles.

I doubt very much that even if the recycling centre was free whether these brain-deads would bother taking their rubbish there. All it takes is for people to care a bit more about their surroundings.

Thank you to those that do care.

Sekeeta Crowley,



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