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Did young rowers ever realise the opportunites of the Ilen?

August 19th, 2024 10:30 AM

Did young rowers ever realise the opportunites of the Ilen? Image

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EDTIOR – Twenty odd years ago two young lads from Lisheen arrived at Skibbereen Rowing Club with their father Teddy. They were Garry and Paul – no need to mention their surname, it is on people’s lips all over the sporting world today.

On day one they managed to scramble onto the roof of the clubhouse and survey the Ilen on its way to the sea at Baltimore. Did it ever enter their heads that the river would become their second home and the opportunities they would seize would be limitless?

‘We cannot take any credit for our talents, it is how we use our talents that counts,’ said the writer Madeleine L’Engle.

Fintan and Paul, you have brought glory and gold to your families, your club and your country.

I leave the last word to Aristotle: ‘No greater glory achieved by man than what he achieves by fleet of foot, or strength of arm.’

Ted Cadogan,
Church Cross,

BBC presenters need to get geography right

EDITOR – I was glued to the TV for the Olympics but I am appalled at some BBC presenters’ treatment of Ireland. Their arrogance and ignorance at times was appalling. One presenter spent her time saying that all our athletes were from Northern Ireland. Unfortunately, I am not able to get RTÉ.

Lorelie Rabbitt-Tomko,

Does anyone recall my great grandfather Tim?

EDITOR – For 40 years I have been searching for the family of my Irish great grandfather, Timothy Deasy (born 1844), son of Timothy Deasy, both were seamen.

He lived in Sunderland, England from 1869-1875 and over the years I have concluded that he was from Co Cork. Clonakilty was a town mentioned.

My great grandmother’s name was Dorothy Deasy. Perhaps an obituary of Timothy’s death was recorded at that time? Searches by a local genealogist did not prove fruitful, unfortunately, due to the fact Deasy is such a common name in West Cork.

If anyone could direct me to any information regarding him, I would be very grateful.

Christine Buckham,
Bowman Street,
Nr Sunderland,
SR6 7AA, England.

Do you remember the Guiness ad with Joe?

EDITOR – We are researching a documentary on Joe McKinney, the actor who was made famous overnight in 1994 thanks to the Guinness ad called ‘Anticipation’.

The ad was a massive hit and Joe went viral before there was such a thing. We are working on a documentary about Joe, the making of the ad, his experiences of that time and the impact it had on his life and career when everything died down.

We are wondering if your readers have any particular memories or stories of the whole craze that swept the nation way back in 1994. We’d love to hear their memories of the ad and that time. Readers can send their stories directly to us at [email protected]

Erik Clancy,
Document Films,
Dublin 6.

Simon proved himself a very able minister

EDITOR – In 2014 the then Taoiseach Leo Varadkar saw a young and pushy Simon Harris as a threat, so he put him into the health ministry.

It was meant to be a poison chalice. Then the Covid virus happened. Simon was now on television every day. He showed himself as a good communicator and an able minister. They next moved him to the so-called backwater of Minister for Higher Education in the next reshuffle.

He showed himself master of his brief, he increased apprenticeships in the trades and built student accommodation in bulk.

When Leo retired, Simon Harris was a shoo-in for leader and Taoiseach. Cream rises to the top of the milk. The country is in good hands.

Michael Hallissey,

Far right thugs must be tackled in courts

EDITOR – It is shocking that the personal details of gardaí are going around social media by far right thugs.

Those involved in rioting in Coolock in Dublin should hang their heads in shame along with those who threaten Mary Lou and journalists in a national newspaper.

We are supposed to be living in a democratic country and those who break the law should be before the courts sooner rather than later, especially after a few gardaí were injured in the frontline doing their job.

Noel Harrington,

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