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O’Reilly seeks dedicated policy committee for agriculture  

June 6th, 2024 12:41 PM

By Southern Star Team

O’Reilly seeks dedicated policy committee for agriculture   Image

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A CALL has been made to create an Agriculture Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) on Cork County Council to ensure the industry gets the focus it needs.

The call came from Fianna Fáil local election candidate in the Skibbereen West Cork area Pádraig O’Reilly, who said it would allow the sector get the focus it deserves.

‘As one of the biggest, if not the biggest farming county’s in Ireland it is absolutely unacceptable that no dedicated agriculture SPC exists in Cork County Council,’ he said.

‘We have a Tourism SPC as tourism is integral part of the Cork economy. We have a housing SPC as housing is vitally important. It is desperately important therefore that a  dedicated Agriculture SPC set up.’

As things stand agriculture is covered under the Environment SPC, but Mr O’Reilly said this is neither fit for purpose or delivering for the industry.

‘Frustrations from the doors have confirmed we need a dedicated SPC,’ he said.  ‘Farmers and farming families are literally shouting from the doors that no one is hearing them. Anger and frustration at regulations are constant issues being raised.

‘Ash dieback disease is one case in point where farmers have literally been abandoned by the council, to sort the issue themselves.

‘The over-regulation and overcomplicated schemes are adding extra costs at a time when the expense of doing business has rocketed,’ he said.

Mr O’Reilly said that he would push for a dedicated SPC to be set up, under section 48 of the Local Government Act 2001.

‘We need collaboration between farmers and Cork County Council. What farmers need now is certainty, commitment and a local authority who is working with them.’

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