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Carbery increases milk price by 3c

September 28th, 2024 7:30 AM

By Southern Star Team

Carbery increases milk price by 3c Image
IMSA president Denis Drennan, Icos president Edward Carr, IFA president Francie Gorman, Macra president Elaine Houlihan, Meat Industry Ireland chair Philip Carroll, and Diary Industyr Ireland chair Pat Sheahan at the document announcement ahead of the Ploughing.

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THERE was good news for many suppliers in West Cork this week as Carbery increased it base milk price for August by 3cpl.

‘If this decision is replicated across the four West Cork co-ops; Bandon, Barryroe, Drinagh and Lisavaird, this will result in an average milk price of 48.03cpl, inclusive of Vat, 0.5cpl SCC bonus and FutureProof sustainability bonus,’ said a company statement.

A year ago, in September 2023, Carbery had reduced its base price by 2c per litre, with an average price for August 2023 of 35.98c per litre. However, a better outlook has seen Carbery increase prices this month.

‘This increase in milk price is driven by strengthening markets for cheese and continuing positive dairy market recovery and performance. Carbery will continue to maximise returns from dairy markets to support our shareholders with milk price,’ said a Carbery spokesman.

Meawhile six representative bodies in Irish agriculture released a document this week declaring what they believe is needed to ensure Ireland can maintain the Nitrates Derogation into the future.

Dairy Industry Ireland (DII), the Irish Co-operative Organisation Society (Icos), Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association, Irish Farmers’ Association, Macra na Feirme and Meat Industry Ireland – have set out what the sector stands for and the process needed to ensure Ireland can maintain the derogation into the future.

The document sets out common objectives that the sector believes will deliver the renewal of the nitrates derogation while also protecting water quality, supporting initiatives including a nationwide fully funded water advisory programme, funding for farm investments aimed at protecting water quality such as nutrient storage, and provision of 70% grant aid via the Targeted Agricultural

EU Commission officials arrived in Ireland this week to see the progress on water quality being made on the ground in Ireland.

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