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Carbery, Dairygold increase milk price

October 28th, 2024 10:30 AM

By Martin Claffey

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IMPROVING market prices for cheese and butter have seen both Carbery and Dairygold increase milk prices for September – though Dairygold cautioned that butter prices have started to fall from the ‘unprecedented’ highs.

Carbery has increased its base milk price for August by 2.5cpl. This will result in an average milk price of 50.70cpl, inclusive of VAT, 0.5cpl SCC bonus and FutureProof sustainability bonus.

Dairygold increased its September quoted milk price by 2.25cpl to 48.0cpl, based on standard constituents of 3.3% protein and 3.6% butterfat, inclusive of sustainability and quality bonuses and VAT.

‘The ongoing strengthening of dairy markets through quarter three, and in particular strong cheese prices, are enabling this increase in milk price. Carbery will continue to maximise returns from dairy markets for our shareholders,’ said a Carbery spokesperson.

The increase in price at Carbery and Dairygold  is good news for suppliers though there was a note of caution from Dairygold.

‘Dairy market returns strengthened in September, with market prices improving, particularly for both Butter and Cheese, as buying activity increased and global supply remained constrained,’ said a Dairygold spokesperson. ‘However, in recent weeks, butter prices have fallen from their unprecedented high levels.

‘The Dairygold Board will continue to monitor markets closely and review milk price on a monthly basis,’ the spokesperson added.

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