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Bandon Folk Club hosts Palestine fundraising gig to remember Sinéad

July 25th, 2024 4:04 PM

By Kieran O'Mahony

Bandon Folk Club hosts Palestine fundraising gig to remember Sinéad Image
Irish singer Sineád O'Connor was known for her support of Palestinian rights. (Photo: Dariusz Majgier /

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BANDON Folk Club together with Bandon4Palestine are hosting a special concert this Friday July 26th at the Cellar in Bandon Town Hall to mark the first anniversary since the death of acclaimed Irish singer Sinéad O’Connor.

Singers set to perform some of Sinéad’s renowned and extensive catalogue of songs for ‘Thank You For Hearing Me’ include Áine Duffy, Áine O’Gorman, Shelly De Burca, Victoria Keating, Dee Power and Roos Demol.

As well as remembering the great talent of Sinéad who tragically died in London on July 26th last at the age of 56, all proceeds from the concert will go to the Irish Palestinian charity, Gaza Go Bragh.

Speaking to The Southern Star, singer Áine O’Gorman, who is also a member of Bandon4Palestine said the money raised on the night will be going directly to the charity on the ground who help people in building temporary shelters in Gaza.

‘We are really looking forward to the concert and each of the five singers will get to sing two songs of Sinéad’s and they will also get to perform some of their own material,’ said Áine.

‘At the end of the night we hope to sing one or two of her songs together too and hats off to Ivan McCutcheon and his daughter Asha for coming up with this idea.’

They will also be raffling off artwork from local artists on the night and these artists include June Fairhead, Audrey Cantillon, Delphine Arnault, Niamh Leonard, Fiona Boniwell and Ricky Lynch.

‘This is great way to support a charity while also getting to own a piece of art. For those unable to attend on the night they can contact me beforehand if they wish to buy raffle tickets,’ said Áine.

Since the monthly Bandon Folk Club was set up earlier this year by Ivan McCutcheon and his daughter Asha Egan McCutcheon, it has firmly proven itself as a platform for both established and up and coming singers. Those who have played the venue in recent months include Ger Wolfe, Molly O’Mahony, Jimmy Crowley and Polly Barrett.

‘Please come out to support and to remember one hell of a woman for one hell of a cause,’ they said.

Tickets for ‘Thank You For Hearing Me’ are available from and the concert begins at 8pm at Bandon Folk’s Club home in the Cellar at Bandon Town Hall.

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