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More power to the EU

June 15th, 2022 10:10 PM

By Southern Star Team

More power to the EU Image

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THE EU this week achieved agreement on a deal which will see all smartphones and tablets using a common charger device, to cut costs for consumers and reduce waste.

Phones and tablet makers will have to comply by autumn 2024 but laptops have a slightly longer lead-in.

Unsurprisingly, Apple are not best pleased with the plan, as they are renowned for producing connectors that are basically incompatible with anything else – much to the ire of their fans.

But all will now have to get into line and use the universal USB-C charger.

The rule will also cover headsets, video game consoles and headphones.

It is an issue that local MEP Deirdre Clune has been championing for some time. MEP Clune is a member of the EPP group at the European Parliament, which has long demanded the European Commission draft legislation on a common charger for electronic devices.

Nice to see that European politicians can sometimes make changes that have a very tangible and positive effect at a very basic level, for almost every European citizen.

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