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Schull’s traffic bollards ‘bad for business and parking’

August 1st, 2020 11:40 PM

By Jackie Keogh

Schull’s traffic bollards ‘bad for business and parking’ Image
The bollards in Schull haven’t been given a unanimous welcome. They were put in place to give pedestrians more space.

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BOLLARDS are bad for business, according to some store owners in Schull.

Cllr Danny Collins (Ind) raised the issue at a meeting of the West Cork Municipal District in Dunmanway after receiving representations from some business people and residents.

He said business people believe the bollards – which were put in place as part of the Council’s Activating County Towns initiative to provide more space for pedestrians  – will hurt their bottom line.

Cllr Collins said lockdown shortened the summer season in Schull considerably, and local shops – who are doing their best to survive – will suffer even more if people can’t park on the Main Street.

He said one shopowner asked him, ‘How am I going to get my deliveries?’

The councillor said that’s become an issue for An Post too.

He produced a letter from the area manager of the south western division saying it requires parking access Monday through to Friday for 30 minutes, in the morning, and 10 minutes, in the evening, to deliver and collect mail.

The postal manager asked for consideration on the basis that ‘we will do everything in our power to keep these times to an absolute minimum.’

He said the parking is required for the health and safety of An Post’s staff, the need to reduce the risk of traffic accidents, and the security of the mail. As this is also the height of the summer season, tourists are adding to the demand for parking.

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