WITH Clonakilty aiming to be the first ‘sachet free’ town in Ireland, a meeting will took place on Thursday February 27th at 7.30pm in the Park Hotel to update people on this worthwhile initiative.
‘Stop the Sachets’ is an initiative that started last year as part of Waste Not, Want Not Clonakilty and their aim is to eliminate the use of sachets such as ketchup, mayo and vinegar in and around Clonakilty. Students from Clonakilty Community College and Clonakilty Tidy Towns volunteers have been visiting food businesses in the town to explain to them about the ‘Stop the Sachet’s initiative.
The meeting updated people on the initiative and look at the next steps to be taken to make the town the first ‘sachet free’ town in Ireland.
Representatives from VOICE Ireland, an environmental charity, were also be on hand to discuss business supports available for the purchase of ramekins and refillable pumps.