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Bid to get public to think before a flush

July 21st, 2024 2:00 PM

By Southern Star Team

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A COLLABORATION between the ‘Think Before You Flush’ campaign, Cork County Council and the Blue Flag programme aims to keep Ireland’s beautiful Blue Flag beaches and marinas clean and to protect marine habitats from sewage based pollution.

The collaboration began last year in a bid to educate beach-goers on what should and what should not be flushed down public toilets.

The ‘Think Before You Flush’ campaign, operated by Clean Coasts in partnership with Uisce Éireann, emphasis that wipes and sanitary products are not to be flushed down toilets, even if they are labelled as flushable.

Only the 3 Ps – pee, poo and paper – should be flushed down the toilet. Everything else should go in the bin.

When other items are flushed down the toilet they can cause serious blockages in waste water systems, causing sewage overflows which can pollute rivers, lakes, beaches and coastlines.

Recognising the urgent need to protect Ireland’s remarkable coastal ecosystems, Cork County Council is committed to promote responsible waste disposal practices.

‘Think Before You Flush’ signage will be displayed on Blue Flag beaches and marinas, offering clear instructions on appropriate flushing behaviour, encouraging visitors to use designated sanitary waste bins for hair, paper towels, medicine, tampons, food items and other items inappropriate for the waste water systems.

Bronagh Moore of Clean Coasts, expressed her enthusiasm for the campaign saying that the collaboration between councils and environmental programmes, is crucial in safeguarding blue flag beaches and marinas.

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